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Pointed Cabbage, IRISH 1 pc


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Pointed Cabbage, IRISH 1 pc

Fresh Organic Pointed Cabbage from Our Farm.

Class I

Pointed cabbages are sweet and delicious. A little more delicate than the hardy winter cabbages they are more similar to spring/collard greens in texture and flavour. Like all brassicas they are full of incredible nutrients, most notably fibre and vitamins A and C. They last well in the fridge but eat them before the week is up.

Recipe Ideas: 

- Give the cabbage a good rinse then slice it into strips. Then sauté and soften with a little oil or butter and some seasoning. Simple and delicious side dish.

- Stir the cooked cabbage through mashed potato with some chopped scallions and butter for a classic Irish colcannon.

- Add shredded pointed cabbage to stir fries for some crunch and sweet, juicy flavour.

- Make sauerkraut! Pointed cabbage make brilliant sauerkraut, have a look at our simple method here.